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Web Design and Development

We specialize in designing & developing ecommerce websites optimized around driving higher conversions and increased AOV.

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Facebook Ads

Grow your business profitably with Meta ads. We amplify your presence and build your loyal fan base by getting the perfect ad, in front of the right person, at the right time.

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Google Ads

Supercharge your brand with Google Ads. Reach millions, boost visibility, and drive sales. Your success, powered by Google.

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Our SEO strategies have ranked 10,000s of words on the front page of Google. Technical SEO, backlink building, and content creation— we got you covered in driving more quality organic website visitors.

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Maximize conversions with our CRO. Elevate sales, engage customers, and amplify ROI. Let your brand thrive through data-driven optimization.

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Email Marketing

Drive engagement and conversions with our strategic email marketing. Personalize messages, nurture leads, and watch your brand thrive through direct and impactful communication.

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Expand into global markets through Amazon. Elevate your Amazon business by entrusting us to tackle intricacies while you excel in product innovation and brand-building

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Logo Design

Crafting logos that resonate, alongside guidelines and manuals, our process forms an image deeply connecting with your desired audience.

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Motion Graphics

Elevate your brand with our dynamic motion graphics. Capture attention, tell your story, and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

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How Does It Work?

Cover key requirements
Our main focus is on a providing solutions that address your root issue.
Complete Onboarding
Answer a few quick questions so that our team can get started.
Optimize & Improve
Whether it be your ad campaigns or UI/UX, we look to understand your key metrics so we improve them.
Measure & Learn
After implementing our changes, we look to see the improved performance.
Refine Changes
We then go back to the drawing board to test next hypothesis to drive further incremental change to your business.

600+ Brands Love Lantern Sol

LanternSol is helping us with fine-tuning our website conversion process and funnel follow ups with our internet leads. I am very happy with their work so far, we increased conversions by 20% within the first 30-60 days

Philip H.
CEO, Owner

LanternSol has been great! We've been able to scale profitable spending while improving the ROAs. On the SEO side, they've increased our top 10 keywords 190% and grew organic revenue 692% within the first 5 months.

Yvonne L.
Partner, SMRTFT

We are so happy with our website redesign by LanternSol!!!! Beautiful craftsmanship and fantastic customer service, we truly appreciate their talents! We were able to add GIFS to our website and they made our products come to life by placing the GIFS in unique places throughout the website design. So awesome.

Colleen S.
Marketing Director, Kanna

LanternSol has helped us move the needle with stats reported back of 150% growth in organic keywords, 10x in the Domain Rating and 38x increase in website backlinks. Look forward to continuing to work with this rockstar team!

Gina Oh
Co-Founder, VP Operations

Jay and the LanternSol team have delivered exactly what we hoped for in terms of a website refresh. They brought real Shopify technical expertise to the table, to enable us to do many things beyond what was possible in the basic block editing. Our website has now changed from feeling overall blocky and basic into feeling sharp, designed, and optimized for action. Very grateful for Jay's dedication to our project.

Craig T.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I begin a project with

To start a project, simply reach out to us through our website's contact form, email, or phone. Provide a brief overview of your project, and we'll schedule a consultation to discuss your goals, requirements, and how we can best assist you.

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What information should I provide during the initial consultation?

During the consultation, it's helpful to provide details about your project's scope, objectives, target audience, timeline, and any specific preferences or ideas you have in mind. The more information you share, the better we can tailor our services to meet your needs.

Is there a cost associated with the initial consultation?

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No, the initial consultation is complimentary. It's an opportunity for us to understand your project and for you to learn about our approach and expertise.

How soon can we schedule the initial consultation after I reach out?

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We strive to schedule consultations within 1-2 business days of receiving your inquiry, depending on our current availability. We'll work with you to find a mutually convenient time for the consultation.

Do I need to sign a contract before we start the project?

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Yes, once we have a clear understanding of your project's scope and requirements, we'll provide a detailed proposal and contract outlining the project's terms, deliverables, timeline, and cost. We'll proceed upon your approval and signing of the contract.

Can you accommodate rush projects or tight timelines?

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We do our best to accommodate urgent projects and tight timelines whenever possible. If you have specific timing constraints, please let us know during the initial consultation, and we'll work to find a solution that meets your needs.

How do I make payments for the project?

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Payments can be made through various methods, including bank transfers, credit cards, PayPal, or other agreed-upon payment options. Detailed payment terms and instructions will be outlined in the contract.

What happens after I sign the contract?

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Once the contract is signed, we'll initiate the project based on the agreed-upon timeline and deliverables. We'll maintain open communication throughout the project, providing updates and opportunities for feedback and collaboration.

How involved will I be in the project process?

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We value collaboration and involve you in key project milestones, reviews, and decision-making processes. Your input and feedback are vital to ensure the project aligns with your vision and objectives.

Can I request changes or updates to the project during its development?

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Yes, we encourage open communication and welcome feedback. If you have requests for changes or updates during the project, we'll discuss the implications and work with you to implement them to the best of our ability.  Please refer to the agreement and scope of work for any potential changes in billing that that could incur.

How much does web design & development cost?

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It will depend on the overall scope of work.  The main variables are based on
A) the number of unique page templates being designed and developed.
B) what 3rd party apps and integrations we need to do.  In general, most projects are between $5-20k in cost.

How long does it typically take to complete a project?

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On average, most projects are between 4-6 weeks.  It will depend on the overall requirements and if you have all the resources ready.

Would you be using a template or doing custom development?

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Typically its a combination of both!  We are usually doing a custom design, but then editing the CSS/html of an existing template.  Very rarely would we be opening a text editor and writing fresh lines of code.  That being said, we are able to modify the site files to meet your unique custom design.  

Will my website be mobile-friendly and responsive?

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Absolutely!  Our research finds nearly 70-80% of website traffic is mobile, so we ensure to optimize for this user experience.

Will I be able to update and maintain the website going forward, or will I need to reach out to you for any changes?

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A good rule of thumb is that changing any text/images will be easy for you to do and not require assistance.  If you’d like to rearrange layouts/design structure, that can often require our assistance.

What type of ongoing support and maintenance do you offer?

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We are available to contract on an hourly basis, or a monthly maintenance rate depending on your specific needs.

Can you help with hosting and domain registration?

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Absolutely!  We have lots of experience here.

Will my website be compatible with different browsers and devices?

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Definitely.  As part of our rigorous QA process, we are testing your website on multiple devices and browser types.

How do you handle website updates and upgrades?

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Any ongoing maintenance and updates would be additional scopes, and cost spending on your specific requirements.

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Do you offer content writing and copywriting services?

We can provide this service, yet in majority of cases, clients are providing the copy they wish to use.

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Can you assist with logo design and branding for my website?

Definitely.  We have extensive experience in creating brand identities, logos, and style guides.

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What steps do you take to ensure the website's user experience (UX) is optimized?

We’ve been building websites for over 12+ years now, and have extensive experience doing AB testing.  All of our designs and grounded in best CRO (conversion rate optimization) practices.  We recognize that beyond having a pretty website, it’s principal goal is to convert customers and generate more revenue for you.  That remains at the core of our design thesis.

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Do you offer social media integration and marketing services?

Yes!  We can provide assistance and guidance here as well.  Get in contact for quotes and rates.

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Can you help with website analytics and tracking?

We will be integrating Google Analytics into your website.  Any additional analytics and tracking requirements, be sure to share so we can include in the overall scope.

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What is your process for gathering requirements and collaborating with clients during the project?

We have a custom onboarding process that gathers the requirements details and info we need to ensure a satisfactory experience.  In addition, we are available for calls and collaboration to ensure all parties are aligned.

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How much budget should I dedicate to SEO?

A good rule of thumb is that your SEO budget should mirror at least 50-100% of your PPC budget.  If you are spending $20k/month on ads, you should be spending $10-20k/month on SEO as well.

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How long does it take to see results from SEO?

You can expect to see results within the first month.  However, depending on the level of competition of keywords you are looking to rank for, you should be approaching this with a 6-12 month time frame.  Keep in mind that SEO is an ongoing process.  As long as other competitors are trying to rank for similar keywords, you must ensure you are constantly pushing your website to the front by engaging in strategic SEO.

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Should I do SEO or paid ads?

Both!  SEO is more of a marathon.  It generally takes longer, but is more profitable over the long term.  PPC is like a sprint.  Its faster and you can get it live the same day, but you are constantly spending money on traffic and are less profitable over the long term.

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Do you offer local SEO services to target specific geographic areas?

Definitely.  We have extensive experience doing localized SEO.  

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What strategies do you use to optimize on-page elements of a website?

All our strategies are data-driven and based on keyword research.  We assess the overall competitive landscape, estimated traffic, and use proprietary methods to map out your pages to optimize for keywords most likely to convert.

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How do you build high-quality backlinks to improve website authority?

Absolutely.  Building high-quality backlinks is an imperative part of building domain authority, and is a critical key cornerstone of our SEO process.

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Do you offer competitor analysis to identify opportunities for improvement?

Yes!  This comes first with our SEO kick off.  We start off by assessing the landscape to review competitors and keyword volumes before mapping our strategy to your website.

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Can you assist with website speed optimization for better search rankings?

Absolutely.  Load speed is a critical factor for SEO (as well as conversion rate), and so we have this included as part of our SEO packages.

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What is your approach to tracking and measuring SEO performance?

We have a longtail master keyword list, and a short list (typically 10-20) of our key focus keywords.  We are tracking your ranking over a month to month basis and providing you with objective data if we are improving in those keywords or not.

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Do you offer content marketing and link building services?

Yes, depending on the level of engagement, content marketing is also included as part of our services.  Link building is part of all SEO packages we offer.

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How much should I plan to spend on ad campaigns?

This varies depending on your business.  We generally reframe the question to what type of ROI do you need to see for ads to be profitable?  As long as ads are profitable, we scale up the ad spend.

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Is there a limit to number of campaigns you will launch?

Nope!  Our single focus and goal is to drive profitable ad spend.  There is no limit on the number of campaigns or restrictions in place for us to achieve that goal.

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Can you explain the process of setting up and launching a Google Ads campaign?

Step 1 is ensure your data and setup is correct.  As the adage goes— garbage data in, garbage data out.  After we ensure your accounts and data are flowing seamlessly, we then look to rigorously AB test campaigns to drive optimal performance.  After we achieve profitable results, we then scale our ad spend as much as possible while maintaining a profitable ROI.

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How do you determine the appropriate advertising budget for a Google Ads campaign?

Our recommendation is typically to aim to start with $5-10k/month in ad spend.  You can do less of course, but that is generally a good rule of thumb for starting range.

What strategies do you use to target the right audience for my ads?

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Our approach is 100% data driven based on the keyword research we see, and ultimately based on the results we are seeing.  Profitable ad spend is the main focus.  Depending on if we are seeing issues with your CPM, CTR, or CVR will give us more insights as to what piece of the funnel is not converting as well as it should be.

Can you help with keyword research and selection for my Google Ads campaign?

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Definitely.  This is a fundamental part of all of our ad management, and is provided in our services.  

How do you optimize ad copy and creative to maximize performance?

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We do this through rigorous AB testing and letting the data drive decisions.  Our number one priority is driving the most profitable ad spend possible for you.  

Do you provide A/B testing and conversion rate optimization for Google Ads?

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Yes.  This is a key component of our ad campaign management to ensure we are driving the most profitable ads possible for your business.

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Can you assist with landing page optimization to improve ad conversion rates?

We start to include this service for ad accounts spending $50k/month or more in ad spend.  Below that threshold, this service is not included.  

Will you provide regular reports and updates on Google Ads campaign performance?

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Yes.  You will be receiving both weekly and monthly updates to measure our growth and performance.  We keep things as objective as possible and let the numbers do the talking.

How do you track and measure success of a campaign?

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We do this through built in Google Ads manager, or 3rd party enhanced tracking software, such as Triple Whale, Northbeam, etc.

Do you offer Google Shopping Ads management services?

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Yes, this is included with all of our ad management packages.

How much should I plan to spend on ad campaigns?

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This varies depending on your business.  We generally reframe the question to what type of ROI do you need to see for ads to be profitable?  As long as ads are profitable, we scale up the ad spend.

Is there a limit to the number of campaigns you will launch?

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Nope!  Our single focus and goal is to drive profitable ad spend.  There is no limit on the number of campaigns or restrictions in place for us to achieve that goal.

How do you determine the appropriate advertising budget for Facebook/Instagram Ads campaign?

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Our recommendation is typically to aim to start with $5-10k/month in ad spend.  You can do less of course, but that is generally a good rule of thumb for starting range.

What targeting options do you use to reach the right audience for my ads?

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We can do targeting based on location, interests, previous purchases/visits, and many other factors.  Keep in mind that our number one goal is to drive profitable ad spend.  Believe it or not, sometimes more broader targeting is better for achieving this goal.

Can you assist with ad creative development and optimization?

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Yes.  We are constantly giving you feedback and direction for ad creative.  We are not, however, doing photo or content shoots for you or editing photos/videos.  We will provide you with specific examples and direction, but not generate these assets.  Beyond $50k/month in ad spend, we often do begin to start including graphic and video editing, however, it is understood that this is not a part of the ad management expense.

Do you provide A/B testing and conversion rate optimization for Facebook/Instagram Ads?

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Yes.  This is a key component of our ad campaign management to ensure we are driving the most profitable ads possible for your business.

Can you help with landing page optimization to improve ad conversion rates?

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We start to include this service for ad accounts spending $50k/month or more in ad spend.  Below that threshold, this service is not included.

Will you provide regular reports and updates on the performance of Facebook/Instagram Ads campaigns?

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Yes.  You will be receiving both weekly and monthly updates to measure our growth and performance.  We keep things as objective as possible and let the numbers do the talking.

Can you assist with remarketing and targeting specific audience segments?

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Yes.  This is included as part of our Meta ads management package.

How do you track and measure the success of Facebook/Instagram Ads campaigns?

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We do this through built in manager, or 3rd party enhanced tracking software, such as Triple Whale, Northbeam, etc.

Do you offer competitor analysis to identify opportunities for improvement?

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Yes!  We are constantly looking at competitors and adjacent markets to gather insights and ideas for what is converting.

Can you help with ad scheduling and budget allocation for optimal results?

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Definitely.  Optimizing your ad account and generating the most profitable ads possible is the cornerstone of our ad management philosophy.

What measures do you take to ensure the best return on investment (ROI)?

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We let the data do the talking.  Step 1 is ensure your data and setup is correct.  As the adage goes— garbage data in, garbage data out.  After we ensure your accounts and data are flowing seamlessly, we then look to rigorously AB test campaigns to drive optimal performance.  After we achieve profitable results, we then scale our ad spend as much as possible while maintaining a profitable ROI.

What Amazon account services does your agency offer for optimizing brand accounts?

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We offer full account management— from setting up your account, optimizing your listing, designing images and A+ content, running ads, and directing strategy for growth and market expansion.

How do you approach optimizing product listings on Amazon?

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Our approach is 100% data driven to research the landscape, competitors and keyword volumes, and then putting your brand in the best possible position to convert visits into purchases.  

What strategies do you use to improve product visibility and search rankings?

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We use a blended approach of enhancing your product listing visually, building reviews, and driving traffic with SEO and ad campaigns.

Can you assist with optimizing product titles, descriptions, and bullet points?

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Yes.  This is included in part of our Amazon account management packages.

Do you provide keyword research and optimization for Amazon product listings?

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Absolutely.  This is a key part in our approach to maximizing your accounts success.

How do you optimize product images and enhance their visual appeal?

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Yes, we are helping design these, and continually revising them based on customer feedback, reviewing converting search terms, and assess the competitive landscape.

Can you help with managing product reviews and addressing customer feedback?

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Yes.  This is a key component of growing your organic reach, and we will be shaping strategy on how to do this organically and ethically with Amazon.  

Will you monitor and manage Amazon advertising campaigns for optimal performance?

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Yes.  You will be receiving reports on a weekly and monthly basis to provide objective data on overall performance.

Can you assist with brand registry and protecting intellectual property rights on Amazon?

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Yes.  This is a key component into ensuring you are able to brandgate your products and utilize A+ content for a more visually appealing shopping experience.

How do you optimize product pricing and manage promotions on Amazon?

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It is a very collaborative effort to ensure we are inline with your overall brand strategy.  We will be providing you with suggestions, ideas, and strategies for growth.  

Do you offer assistance with inventory management and fulfillment options?

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We assist with the setup and integration of this, however, we are not managing your supply chain and scheduling manufacturing rounds with your manufacturer.  

Can you help with optimizing product variations and bundles for increased sales?

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Definitely.  This is a key component and included with our Amazon management services.

What measures do you take to monitor and combat unauthorized sellers?

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This is part of our Amazon management package.  We do our best to ensure we are protecting your brand assets through every means possible.

Do you provide competitor analysis to identify opportunities for improvement?

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Yes.  We will thoroughly review competitors and keywords before implementing our strategy to grow and develop your listing.  All of our approach is objective and 100% data driven.  

How do you optimize backend keywords and search terms for better discoverability?

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We let the data do the talking, and drive our strategy based on what keyword and volume we are able to see.  Our #1 goal is to maximize your profits and revenue, and our keyword strategy is grounded in that.

Can you help with managing and optimizing Amazon sponsored product campaigns?

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Yes.  This is included with our Amazon account management package.

Do you offer assistance with Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) or A+ Content?

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Yes.  This is a key component for growing your account, and included in our Amazon account management package.

Can you explain the process of conducting a CRO audit for my website?

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Step 1 is to get access to key assets (analytics, website, email, ad channels, etc).  After that, we conduct a thorough analysis on your entire funnel— both the website itself, but also your means of driving traffic (eg SEO, ad campaigns, etc).  After that, we summarize our findings in a detailed report that includes specific examples and references for how to optimize your conversion rate.  

How do you identify areas of improvement and opportunities for increasing conversions?

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We let the data do the talking.  Each website is different, and thereby, their performance problems are different.  As part of our analysis, we will be pointing out if this is mostly UI/UX related, traffic related, or something else.

What strategies do you use to optimize website elements and user experience?

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We’ve built 600+ websites and helped brands process over $100,000,000 in e-commerce sales.   All of our strategies and approaches are driven from over a decade of experience in growing and optimizing stores like yours.  

Can you assist with A/B testing and multivariate testing for better conversion rates?

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Yes.  This is a key component in being data-driven and as objective and factual as possible.  Keep in mind that for statistically meaningful results, you will want 50k+ visits on an AB test.  If you are under that threshold, we can still perform AB tests, but it isn’t always advisable as you can mistake signal for noise.

How do you analyze user behavior and website analytics to inform CRO efforts?

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We do this through analytic tools and 3rd party apps such as Lucky Orange or Hotjar.

What measures do you take to reduce bounce rates and improve engagement?

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We assess if this is a traffic issue (eg if you are sending low quality traffic with low purchase intent), or a UI/UX issue.  Depending on the our findings, we provide detailed instructions on how to reduce bounce rate and improve conversion.  

Do you provide personalized and targeted recommendations for CRO improvements?

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Yes.  Every website is unique and different, and so rather than a cookie cutter response, we provide detailed and tailored recommendations to your business.

Can you help with optimizing mobile responsiveness and mobile conversion rates?

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Yes.  Our research has found that 70-80% of traffic is typically mobile.  Reviewing your mobile website experience is a key component of our research and recommendations.

How do you address cart abandonment and improve e-commerce conversion rates?

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This is included as part of our overall CRO process.  We assess both from the UI/UX standpoint, as well as reviewing if your abandon cart email series can be improved.

What does the logo design process entail?

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Our logo design process includes a comprehensive understanding of your business, brainstorming, conceptualization, sketching, digitalization, refinement, and finalization. We ensure each step aligns with your brand's vision and message.

How long does it take to design a logo?

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The timeframe for logo design varies depending on the complexity of the project. Typically, our logo design process takes between 1 to 2 weeks, including initial concepts, revisions, and finalization.

How many logo concepts will I receive?

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We provide initial logo concepts based on your preferences and requirements. You can then do 5 rounds of revisions for additional edits/tweaks.

What if I'm not satisfied with the initial concepts?

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Our goal is to ensure you're delighted with your logo. If you're not satisfied with the initial concepts, we'll work closely with you to understand your feedback and make the necessary revisions until you're happy with the design.

What file formats will I receive for my logo?

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Once your logo is finalized, we provide the logo files in various formats, including high-resolution PNG, JPEG, vector (AI, EPS, SVG), and any other formats you may require for both digital and print use.

Can you incorporate my existing branding elements into the new logo?

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Absolutely! If you have specific branding elements, colors, or design guidelines that you'd like us to incorporate into the logo, we'll ensure the new logo aligns seamlessly with your existing brand identity.

Do you provide other branding services in addition to logo design?

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Yes, we offer a range of branding services, including brand identity design, business card design, stationery design, brand guidelines creation, and more to ensure a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

How do I start the logo design process with

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To start the logo design process, simply reach out to us through our website, email, or phone. We'll schedule a consultation to discuss your requirements, goals, and preferences to kick off the design process.

What is email marketing, and why is it important for my business?

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Email marketing involves sending targeted messages and content to your audience via email. It's essential for businesses to engage and nurture their customer base, promote products/services, share updates, and drive conversions.

How can email marketing benefit my business?

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Email marketing can benefit your business by increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, nurturing leads, promoting sales and offers, building customer loyalty, and providing valuable insights into customer behavior

What email marketing platform do you recommend?

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We are Klaviyo Partners, and that is our preferred email marketing tool.  That being said, we are also experienced and have used Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Hubspot and Active Campaign

What types of emails can you help me create for my email marketing campaigns?

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We can help you create a variety of emails, including newsletters, promotional emails, transactional emails, drip campaigns, automated flows, surveys, and personalized emails tailored to specific customer segments.

How do you ensure my email campaigns reach the inbox and avoid spam filters?

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We follow industry best practices to ensure your email campaigns reach the inbox by optimizing email content, following anti-spam guidelines, authenticating emails using DKIM, SPF, and DMARC, and regularly monitoring and maintaining sender reputation.

How do you measure the success of an email marketing campaign?

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We measure the success of an email campaign using metrics like open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, unsubscribe rates, engagement rates, and ROI. These insights help us optimize future campaigns for better performance.  The #1 metric we are ultimately trying to grow is revenue attributed to email.

Can you help with designing and creating the content for my email campaigns?

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Absolutely! We can assist in designing visually appealing email templates, crafting compelling copy, creating engaging visuals, and optimizing the layout to drive maximum engagement and conversions.

How do I get started with's email marketing services?

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To get started, reach out to us via our website, email, or phone. We'll schedule a consultation to discuss your email marketing goals, audience, messaging, and desired outcomes to create a tailored strategy for your campaigns.

What are motion graphics, and how do they benefit my business?

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Motion graphics involve using animation and visual effects to create engaging and dynamic content. They benefit your business by grabbing attention, conveying complex information effectively, enhancing brand storytelling, and increasing viewer engagement.

What is the process for creating motion graphics?

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Our motion graphic process involves conceptualization, storyboarding, design, animation, sound design, editing, and client review. We collaborate closely with you to ensure the final product meets your vision and objectives.

What software and tools do you use for motion graphic design?

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We utilize industry-leading software such as Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, Blender, and other specialized tools to create high-quality motion graphics tailored to your project's requirements.

How long does it take to complete a motion graphic project?

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The timeframe for a motion graphic project varies based on complexity and scope. Typically, it can take anywhere from 1 to 6 weeks, including concept development, design, animation, revisions, and finalization.

Can you create custom characters and designs for my motion graphics?

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Absolutely! We offer custom character design, illustrations, and graphic assets to ensure your motion graphics are unique and aligned with your brand's identity and messaging.

Can you incorporate my branding elements into the motion graphics?

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Yes, we can seamlessly integrate your branding elements, colors, logos, and style guidelines into the motion graphics to maintain brand consistency and alignment with your visual identity.

What formats will I receive for my motion graphic project?

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Upon completion, we provide the motion graphics in commonly used formats such as MP4, MOV, or any other format suitable for your specific project and intended use.

Can you help with scriptwriting and voiceovers for my motion graphic project?

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Yes, we offer scriptwriting and voiceover services to ensure your motion graphic project has a compelling and clear narrative that resonates with your audience.  

How do I initiate a motion graphic project with

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To start a motion graphic project, contact us via our website, email, or phone. We'll arrange a consultation to discuss your project requirements, goals, and creative vision, which will guide us in creating a customized proposal for your motion graphics.

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